So the feudal system was completely established in England. 于是,封建制度得以在英国完全建立。
One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king. 英国封建制独有的特色就是,无论是土地承租人还是二佃户,都必须要宣誓效忠于直接领主,而且要效忠于国王。
This is a method which most thoroughly abolishes the feudal system and fully meets the demands of the broad masses of China's peasants. 这是最彻底地消灭封建制度的一种方法,这是完全适合于中国广大农民群众的要求的。
The establishment of feudal system and development of urban economy gave strong impetus to its development in both courts and civil societies. 封建制度的建立和城市经济的兴盛,使得文学发展不但得到统治阶级扶植,且受到市民社会欢迎。
The feudal system lasted for two thousand years in China. 封建制度在中国延续了两千年之久。
Our task is to abolish the feudal system, to wipe out the landlords as a class, not as individuals. 我们的任务是消灭封建制度,消灭地主之为阶级,而不是消灭地主个人。
Scarlett, our Southern way of living is as antiquated as the feudal system of the Middle Ages. 思嘉,我们南方的生活方式是跟中世纪封建制度一样陈旧的。
From a contemporary standpoint the slave system, the feudal system and the capitalist system are all bad, but historically they were more progressive than the primitive communal system. 现在看来,奴隶制度、封建制度、资本主义制度都不好,其实他们在历史上都曾经比原始公社制度要进步。
Second is the compelling power acquried by the union of Confucianism and feudal system, which is a characteristic of Chinese culture. 其次是儒家文化与封建政治相结合所获得的强制性权力,这是中国文化的特点。
Commercial and financial transactions had once again started to become more complex as Europe emerged from the feudal system of the Middle ages. 当欧洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。
This is the time of the feudal system. 这也是当时封建制度造成的。
In areas where the feudal system still existed, equal distribution was confined mainly to the land and property of landlords and the surplus land and property of old-type rich peasants. 在封建制度还存在的地方,平分的重点,也限于地主的土地财产和旧式富农的多余的土地财产方面。
Their victims from the feudal system, become the accomplices of the feudal rulers. 她们由封建制度的受害者,变成封建统治者的帮凶。
During the Spring and Autumn period, China was ruled by a feudal system. 在春秋时期,我国是一个封建统治制度。
Eventually the nominal Zhou kings lost all real influence, the feudal system crumbled, and the Warring States Period began. 最终国王的名义周失去了真正的影响,封建主义制度的崩溃,以及战国时期开始。
A piece of land held under the feudal system. 在封建制度下拥有的一块土地。
Whether the feudal system of the reich, where the king formally was the top of the so-called "feudal pyramid", was a cause for or a symptom of the empire's weakness, is unclear. 不论帝国的封建制度,国王在形式上总是在所谓的“封建金字塔”的顶端,这就是帝国的弱点的征兆或者原因,是不清楚的。
The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. 英国内战不仅推翻了英国的封建制度,而且动摇了欧洲封建经济的基础。
The church reaped huge economic benefit from this feudal system yet as it grew in wealth and power it found itself in an uncomfortable moral position. 教会在这种封建制度中获得大量财务和权力,但在道德上不舒服。
Under feudal system, the family clansman is important complement and stretching form of feudalism regime, becomes the autonomous rule of grass-roots unit society unit. 在封建制度下,家庭宗族作为封建政权的重要补充和延伸形式,成为基层社会的自治单位。
In the feudal system, the knight took the big aristocrat's dependency, the feudal duty decided he must give loyalty to it; 在封建体制中,骑士作为大贵族的附庸,封建义务决定他必须向之效忠;
They developed a feudal system and a system of chivalry in the earlier centuries of the Christian era; 他们在公元的最初几个世纪形成封建制度和骑士制度;
The common law governing property interests in land was developed after the Norman Conquest upon the base of the feudal system. 普通法中有关土地财产权的部分,是在诺曼征服之后,在封建制基础上发展起来的。
In the history of the Qin State, the feudal system was based on the states or kings ownership of land, that is, the supreme land owner was the state while the king was its personification. 在泰国的历史上,封建制度的基础是一种土地国有制或王有制,最高土地所有者被认为是国家,而国王就是国家的人格化。
The final breakup of the feudal system had three main causes. 封建制度的最后崩溃有三个主要原因。
The third segment is about influence of reclamation, which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system. 第三节,第一次垦荒运动对法兰克王国所产生的影响:促进了采邑制的发展,为封建制度的形成奠定了基础。
The feudal system of landownership in the rural areas is irrational and should be abolished. (七)农村中的封建的土地所有权制度,是不合理的,应当废除。
Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
Only by abolishing the feudal system can the conditions for such development be created. 只有消灭封建制度,才能取得发展农业生产的条件。
The tragedy of Han Xin, a senior general of Han Dynasty, was the inevitable outcome of the transition from the feudal system of enfeoffment to the centralized state power in Chinese history. 韩信的悲剧根源是中国封建分封制向中央集权制过度的必然结果,历史进程决定了西汉诸王的覆灭。